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Alileo Wines



Lovely hazy straw color. Citrus, jasmine, and muscat notes with a honeysuckle finish.

Regular price $19.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $19.99 USD
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Varietal: Zibibo
12.5% Alcohol
85%less landfill
50%less transport emissions
30days fresh after opening
Gluten Free
Sugar Free
Eco Friendly

(translation: a light and fruitier white)

How fun is it to say ‘Zibibbo’? Oh, you feel it. Say it again! It’s FOR SURE more fun than its original name, ‘Muscat of Alexandria’. This white, hazy, citrusy wine manifests as a Sicilian summer day on your pallet. Sweet jasmine notes and Sicilian lemons come to mind as you search for words to rhyme with Zibibbo…. and the day idles by - with great intention.

Lovely hazy straw color. Citrus, jasmine, and muscat notes with a honeysuckle finish. 

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Our goal is to create wines that start by respecting the natural pace and taste of Sicily. Experience Alileo. Bring Sicily home… natural wines brought to you in the most environmentally-friendly high-performance packaging. Enjoy wild.